
Hi everyone,


I have decided to try reintroducing an information thread.  We will see how it goes.

I want it to be a hub from which interest and discussion threads can be accessed.

I think this is a way of helping to uniting the forum into a little community.



My last wrap,  was not not formal and it was not used for long.

My earlier ones give a better idea of what i really wanted but the forum is too big to do it the same now.























This forum was founded by Andre Massow on 25 January 2012.  Thanks Mr Massow   

I discovered it and joined on 28th September 2013.

My first wrap was the 9th January 2014 and I have posted a wrap almost every day until August 2015

A really major restructure of the forum 13th April 2014, 

    I was given moderator privileges for the first time on 15th April 2014  

    (What a great birthday present - just one day early     )


CPhill joined 13th March 2014 and became moderator on 11th May 2014.

Alan joined 24th Feb 2014 and became moderator  on the 4th May 2015

A second major restructure of the forum.  Sun 30th August 2015 

I was away traveling for all of September so although made a new wrap it was never used properly.

And that brings us here, to our 4th Forum Wrap.  laugh

 Oct 17, 2015
edited by Melody  Jun 26, 2018
edited by Melody  Jun 26, 2018

Best Answer 


@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Sat  17/10/15     Sydney, Australia Time 11:04pm   ♪ ♫



Here are a couple of questions that caught my eye.


1)   Inverse Function Question.

This is a very simple question (high level) but it really made me think.   Thanks Rom.



2)  Physics question concerning pressure.        Thanks CPhill



3) Also I was helping with a question and I dragged an old post of mine out of the dusty depths.  

This is a post that I urge upper high school students to peruse.  It is not very difficult and the concepts in it will be of great value to you.





Now I would like to bring your attention to a post by Rom.  Thank you for posting this Rom laugh





Rom is concerned that answerers are answering but they are all too often NOT facilitating learning.

I intend to write a fuller response on Rom's thread, which is where all this discusion really belongs but I will say here, as I have said many times before that I believe that sometimes/often it is not helpful to give answers alone or to give fully worked answers.  And, it is definitely not helpful to answer a string of questions that are all of the same type.

Please try to work with the questioners.  Give them hints or suggestions.  Some of the very best answers are ones that refer the question asker to other resource sites like "mathsisfun", "purplemaths", or you tube clips.  These can often explain much better than we can!

Try and encourage the askers to interact with you.  If they won't responding to you it would almost always mean that they are not that interested.  You are best to leave it and move to the next question.

PLEASE if an answerer is trying to work with a question asker, for example, they may be requesting input from the asker, please consider hard before you give a full answer of your own.   This would undermine your fellow answerer and I think that it is important that answerers are seen to support one another.

I have more to say but it will be said on Rom's thread.

PLEASE RESPOND TO ROM.  We need to know what your attitude is.  Answerers need to understand each other so that we can work together with more efficiencey and harmony. :)


If you want to comment on teaching verses answering, please do so on Rom's thread.  If you want to comment on other matters please do so on the Lantern Thread.

 Thank you


I think that is the for my first entry in  "What is happening"  Enjoy your day   smileylaughsmiley

 Oct 17, 2015
edited by Melody  Oct 17, 2015
Best Answer

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Sat  17/10/15     Sydney, Australia Time 11:04pm   ♪ ♫



Here are a couple of questions that caught my eye.


1)   Inverse Function Question.

This is a very simple question (high level) but it really made me think.   Thanks Rom.



2)  Physics question concerning pressure.        Thanks CPhill



3) Also I was helping with a question and I dragged an old post of mine out of the dusty depths.  

This is a post that I urge upper high school students to peruse.  It is not very difficult and the concepts in it will be of great value to you.





Now I would like to bring your attention to a post by Rom.  Thank you for posting this Rom laugh





Rom is concerned that answerers are answering but they are all too often NOT facilitating learning.

I intend to write a fuller response on Rom's thread, which is where all this discusion really belongs but I will say here, as I have said many times before that I believe that sometimes/often it is not helpful to give answers alone or to give fully worked answers.  And, it is definitely not helpful to answer a string of questions that are all of the same type.

Please try to work with the questioners.  Give them hints or suggestions.  Some of the very best answers are ones that refer the question asker to other resource sites like "mathsisfun", "purplemaths", or you tube clips.  These can often explain much better than we can!

Try and encourage the askers to interact with you.  If they won't responding to you it would almost always mean that they are not that interested.  You are best to leave it and move to the next question.

PLEASE if an answerer is trying to work with a question asker, for example, they may be requesting input from the asker, please consider hard before you give a full answer of your own.   This would undermine your fellow answerer and I think that it is important that answerers are seen to support one another.

I have more to say but it will be said on Rom's thread.

PLEASE RESPOND TO ROM.  We need to know what your attitude is.  Answerers need to understand each other so that we can work together with more efficiencey and harmony. :)


If you want to comment on teaching verses answering, please do so on Rom's thread.  If you want to comment on other matters please do so on the Lantern Thread.

 Thank you


I think that is the for my first entry in  "What is happening"  Enjoy your day   smileylaughsmiley

Melody Oct 17, 2015
edited by Melody  Oct 17, 2015


@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Sun 18/10/15     Sydney, Australia Time 10:00pm   ♪ ♫


Good day to you all.   smiley


Here are the interest posts:


1) Chemistry                    Pg 2245               25 per page


2) What is i^i         Thanks Melody and Rom


3) Integral question.  Thanks Radix, Omi67 and Admin :)


4) Estimating large numbers.  I learned how to do this from someone (Maybe Rom) on this forum. 

    Now I cannot resist doing them.  


5) Area and Volume.  I thought this was an interestin question.  Thanks Rom and Omi67.


6) inverse functions (Continued from yesterday).   Thanks Rom, Alan, and Melody.


7) Off site.  If you want to have a go at a difficult logic number puzzle, this is a good one :)   


If you want to comment please do so but also please respect this as a serious thread.

Light hearted comments are also very welcome but please put them on the Lantern thread.  

I, and other, will see them there  smiley


That is it for my day.  Enjoy what is left of yours     laughlaughlaugh

 Oct 18, 2015
edited by Melody  Oct 18, 2015

I got 56% for that logic number puzzle :)

MaxWong  Oct 6, 2016


@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Mon  19/10/15     Sydney, Australia Time 9:50pm   ♪ ♫



Here are the interest posts:


1)  Number puzzle



2) Difficult limit             Not answered

    This is a repeat question.  I am really hoping some clever mathematican can answer it or at least comment on it.

                Thanks    laugh



3) Find all the roots of a polynomial equation           Thanks Guest and Rom



4) What is Pascal's triangle      (For everyone)       Thanks guest.



5) Recurring decimals    (Fo rthe juniors)



If you want to comment an any issues please do so.    



Have a great day and I will see you next time  laugh

 Oct 19, 2015


@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Tues  20/10/15     Sydney, Australia Time 6:25pm   ♪ ♫



Here are the interest posts:


1)  Find the last digit of       3^ (a large number)     Thanks Heureka   



2) Tricky money one - For the juniors.           Melody



3) How many lockers are open?  Great puzzle question.    Thanks CPhill



4) Inscribed circle - finding lengths.          Melody



5)  Manipulating indices.     Melody and guest



6) James Bond, speed, distance and trigonometry.  



7) Find the min and max value of a function.




If you want to comment an any issues please do so.    


Have a great day and I will see you next time    


Melody    ♪ ♫


 Oct 20, 2015
edited by Melody  Oct 20, 2015
edited by Melody  Oct 20, 2015
edited by Melody  Oct 20, 2015

area and volume so thats all...

 Oct 20, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Wed  21/10/15     Port Macquarie, Australia Time 11:30pm   ♪ ♫



This is not much of a wrap I am afraid, I have been travelling today and there are many questions that i have not seen, and also quite a few that do not have asnwers.  I give a big thank you to our diligent answerers and I am sorry if your question has not been answered.  Perhaps it still may be answered,  but you can repost if your question if it is no longer on the first page.  It would however, be good if you said it was a repost and perhaps give the address of the original post. :)


Here are a few interesting questions/answers.  


1) Since back the the future has, at one point, today been the present.     (Wed 21/10 2015)

    I feel I must include this question.  It is at present one of the many that has NOT been answered. :)



2) Inscribed circle - finding lengths.          Thanks Melody and Chris

    This is a repeat question.  Chris drew a great diagram and he did it a little differently from me.  



3) Partial Fractions       Melody



4) Limit question   Thanks CPhill




If you want to comment an any issues please do so.    


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


Melody    ♪ ♫




Lantern thread:


 Oct 21, 2015
edited by Melody  Oct 21, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    TRhurs 22/10/15     Port Macquarie, Australia Time 10:48pm   ♪ ♫



Again, Iam not very aware of what was posted today, I was not on much.   I give a hearty thankyou to all our answerers and I am sorry if your question was one that did not get answered.  It is impossible to answer all question athough I think most got at least some kind of a response. :/


Here are a few interesting questions/answers.  


1)  Trigonometry limit.     Thanks Melody and Alan.  PLUS another extravaganza answer by Heureka. Thanks         http://web2.0calc.com/questions/aghaee/new#edit


2) Good puzzle question.  Thanks guest :)



3)  Physics, Magnitude adn acceleration    Thanks Alan



4) Tricky integration.    Not Answered        One of xvxvxv's



5)  Finding the inverse of a matrix.    Thanks Heureka and Rom



6) solving a system of equations using matrices.   Thanks Alan.


NOTE: There are more matrix questions on page 2267   (25 per page)



If you want to comment an any issues please do so.    


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


Melody    ♪ ♫




Lantern thread:


 Oct 22, 2015
edited by Melody  Oct 22, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Fri 23/10/15   Port Macquarie, Australia Time 10:58pm   ♪ ♫




Here are a few interesting questions/answers from today   smiley


1)  This logic question has sparked a lot of interest.  Thanks CPhill, Guest and Heureka.



2)  Proof by Induction



3) Find all zeros of a polynomial    Thanks Heureka



4)  Longitude and latitude.     Thanks Heureka and guest



5) Find potential energy.      Thanks Rom



6) Interesting trig manipulation.  Thanks Heureka and guest.



If you want to comment an any issues please do so.    


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


Melody    ♪ ♫




Lantern thread:


 Oct 23, 2015
edited by Melody  Oct 23, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    SAt 24/10/15   Sydney, Australia Time 10:15pm   ♪ ♫




Not much happened today but here are a couple of interest posts  laugh


1) Mathematics  joke     cheeky



2)  Intergration hiccup       Thanks Alan.





If you want to comment an any issues please do so.    


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


Melody    ♪ ♫




Lantern thread

 Oct 24, 2015
edited by Melody  Oct 24, 2015
edited by Melody  Oct 24, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Sun 25/10/15   Sydney, Australia Time 8:09pm   ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


There have been a couple of interesting posts today I think.  smiley


1)  Trig manipulation question       Thanks Omi67 and Melody.



2) Maximizing a function given a system of contraints           Melody



3) I got a bit carried away with this differentiation.  ://      Thanks also to Omi67



4) Trig, find the height of the helicopter.    Thanks Alan.




If you want to comment an any issues please do so.    


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


Melody    ♪ ♫




Lantern thread

 Oct 25, 2015
edited by Melody  Oct 25, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Tues 27/10/15   Sydney, Australia Time 10:49pm   ♪ ♫


A good evening/day/morning to you all,      laugh


WOW   The web2.0 calc is back on the forum.      Hiphip horray!!!!       Thanks Admin!!

Unfortunately it does not display fractional answers as good as the non-forum calc does.

I have not used it much yet so I do not know what other limitations it might have, but it is still good to hve the calc back on the forum.   :))


I've collected lots of interest posts over the last 2 days :))


1)  How to integrate k^sin(x)



2) This is a great example of mathematical fallacy. :)



3) Median age (for younger students)



4) Velocity, acceleration and rotational movement.   Thanks Alan.



5)  How steep are the spiral stairs?     Thanks Rom and Melody



6)  How many multiple choice questions are there?     Melody



7)  FUN with logic       Thanks guest       angry



8)  System of equations    Thank guest and CPhill      laugh



9) Who knew that pizzas could be so confusing!      surprise



10)  Problems when taking fractional indices of negative numbers




If you want to comment an any issues please do so.    


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


Melody    ♪ ♫




Lantern thread:


 Oct 27, 2015
edited by Melody  Oct 27, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Tues 27/10/15   Sydney, Australia Time 10:49pm   ♪ ♫


Hello everyone,    


We have had some terrific answers today from Saseflower, Rom, CPhill, Sportzkid28, Heureka, Omi67 and lots of guests.    laugh  

If I missed your name I am sorry I do not have the time to do this as thoroughly as I would really like to.       sad


Interest Posts:


1) Fun with mathematics.     Thanks guest



2)  Find upward spped of the balloon       Thanks manas, CPhill and reinout-g     



3)  Newton's method for approximating zeros and Iterations in Excel.      Thanks Chilledz3non and CPhill.  



4) Expected profit



5) Find average annual inflation rate. (geometric average)  Thanks guest and Melody



6)  Constucting an algebraic model.    Thanks Rom



7) Finding the weight of 88.1 moles of Magnesium     Thanks Omi




If you want to comment an any issues please do so.    


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


Melody    ♪ ♫




Lantern thread:

 Oct 28, 2015
edited by Melody  Oct 28, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Thurs 29/10/15   Sydney, Australia Time 7:20pm   ♪ ♫


Hello everyone,    


today our great answers were given by Alan, CPhill, Saseflower, Omi67, Rom, Heureka, CoolB2.0, Will85237, Nicholas0122.  Thank you.   laugh   



Interest Posts:


1)  Fun on the forum         



2)  Great area problem.   Thanks for providing it Alan  



3)  Difficult integral.    Thanks Alan



4) Prove a log funtion is odd.    Thanks Rom.   



5) Slight variation on factoring a quadratic.   Thanks Rom.     



6) Making sense of a G.P.    Thanks Heureka    




If you want to comment an any issues please do so.    


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


Melody    ♪ ♫




Lantern thread:

 Oct 29, 2015
edited by Melody  Oct 29, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Sat  31/10/15   Sydney, Australia Time 5:40pm   ♪ ♫


Hello everyone,    


today our great answers were given by Heureka, CPhill, Rom, Saseflower, Nauseated, Omi67, Sportzkid28, Genoo3141 and Alan.   Thank you     laugh



Interest Posts:


  1)  Solving equations on the Web2.0calc



    2)  Great geometyy challenge provided by CPhill.   Great answers from Omi67 and Heureka.   laugh





If you want to comment an any issues please do so.    


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


Melody    ♪ ♫




Lantern thread:

 Oct 31, 2015
edited by Melody  Oct 31, 2015
edited by Melody  Oct 31, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Sun 1/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 9:00pm   ♪ ♫




The answer credits today go to Nauseated, Mormert, CPhill and Geno3141.  Thank you.    laugh  


Interest Post:


1)  Sir La-TeX joins the team.       



If you want to comment an any issues please do so.    


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


Melody    ♪ ♫




Lantern thread:

 Nov 1, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 1, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 1, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Mon 2/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 10:30pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all Web2.0calc  forumites,    laugh


Our wonderful answerers today were  Geno3141, Saseflower, Okim2001, Cars_456, Alan, and Heureka.   


Interest Posts:


1) Fun with numbers



2) Sir Phill La-TeX is still with us.    



3)  Physics / chemistry            Thanks Heureka  



4) Solar cooker                      Not answered yet



5) When does a derivative exist?  Hence find co-efficient.   Melody



6) US Treasury Bonds            Melody



7) line equation.

   I think this would be a good one for other junior high/high school students to look at too.



8) Another interesting linear equation question.  Thanks Alan



9) Complex number division.   Thanks Guest.  (I'd like more discussion please)



If you want to comment an any issues please do so.    


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


♪ ♫       Melody    ♪ ♫




Lantern thread:

 Nov 2, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 2, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Tues 3/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 10:22pm   ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


Our wonderful answerers today were  Badbren, Saseflower, Heureka, Cars_456, CPhill, Geno3141 and Will 85237


Interest Posts:


1)  Practical linear functions.   Thanks CPhill

     These are good practice question for middle and upper high school students.




2) Kinetic energy and force      Not answered yet.



3) Interesting inequality     Melody



4) Fun with indices        Melody



5) Vectors      Thanks  CPhill



6) Physics      Not answered



** If you want to comment an any issues please do so. **   


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


♪ ♫       Melody    ♪ ♫




Lantern thread:

 Nov 3, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 3, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Wed 4/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 6:35pm   ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


A very big thank you to our answerers,  Saseflower, CPhill, Heureka, Gilbertx5 and Will8537.   laugh


There was no where near enough time to answer all questions or check all answers today, this happens quite often.

REMEMBER: Priority goes to members.  I believe credit has been given to all member answerers and that all member questions have been answered by someone.  If yours has not been answered perhaps it is because it does not make sense or more likely for higher level question, no-one with the knowledge to answer was on today.  


Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  crying


1)   What to order?      I found this really confusing.        Melody



2) This is a simple vector question.  Could someone knowledgable take a quick look please.



** If you want to comment an any issues please do so. **   


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


♪ ♫       Melody    ♪ ♫




Lantern thread:

 Nov 4, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 4, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Fri  6/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 8:25pm   ♪ ♫


Good evening from Australia,     laugh


It has been 2 days since my last wrap and answer credits go to ChoZerr, Alan, Heureka, Namodesto, Jeanne, CPhill, Mormert, Nauseated, Will 85237, Linlee, Lonelyparellel, Saseflower and Muhum.  

Thank you, I really appreciate all you great work.     smiley 


I for one, have given up trying to view all questions.  For me, priority lies with member questions and also with checking member answers and allocating points and ticks.  I think I have found a way that I can do this, at least for the moment until the forum grows bigger still.

 I will of couse continue to answer as many other questions as possible and am always looking for those that have the right degree of interest challenge about them.  This is the same for all answerers, we are most enthusiastic about the questions that are at a good level for us.  laugh

There has been one would be new member "juriemagic" tell me that he cannot log on.  I have told him to identify himself at the beginning of the post and I will endeavour to prioritize him as I would any other member.

 I wonder how many other people are having this problem.  ://


Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  sad


1) Forum problems and a wonderful show of appreciation.  Thanks Juriemagic


2)    Birthday trick with numbers.            Thanks guest and Heureka


3)   Thanks Chris but I like our guests answer :)   


4)   Why can't I take (-1)^1/2                    Melody


5)  Minimize the price.     Fabulous answer from CPhill


6)  interesting simplification        Melody and Heureka


7) Force work power and time.     Thanks Will85237   (and welcome back to the forum too) 


8)   Solving a polynomial of degree 4 equation.    Melody and Heureka


9) Newton's method to find minimum.    Thanks Alan



** If you want to comment an any issues please do so. **   


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


♪ ♫       Melody    ♪ ♫                                                


Lantern thread:

 Nov 6, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 6, 2015

Hi Melody

In response to your query ' I wonder how many other people are having this problem '.

It's been a problem for me ever since the restructuring at the end of August, and it's why you rarely see me logged in these days. I get a message saying that I need to enable cookies, I do that but it has no effect. I notified someone at 2.0calc.com at the time (and received a response), but the problem has not been resolved.

I am able to login using my tablet, but I hate the touch screen, particularly when trying to type in stuff using LaTex, so I rarely use it, for maths that is.

The problem might be caused by the security software that's on my PC, I've messed around with that, but without success.

It would be good if we could get this sorted.

Best wishes


PS. Hope you enjoyed your trip to England.

 Nov 6, 2015

Thanks Bertie,

I was wondering why you had become so scarce.

I wonder if that is why so many of our regulars have stopped appearing? 

I just thought that they did not like the new forum.

I will let Andre know that this is an ongoing problem and maybe he will fix it.  :)


Yes I did have a good trip to England, thanks :)

 Nov 6, 2015

The same problem at my local library.......I used to be able to log on there, before the new format......now........when I log on, it throws me out when I try to do anything....


My laptop at home works fine........





cool cool cool

 Nov 6, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Sat  7/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 8:50pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all,


Our answer credits go to Squaddy, Heureka, CPhill, Dragonlance, Alan and Zacismyname.  Thanks guys. laugh


Thank for the feed back Bertie and Chris.  We HAVE to get you back with us Bertie.  Your posts are aways such excellent value. 

There is a post below where I have invited people to discuss their views of the forum.  All sensible thoughts will be greatly appreciated.


Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  



1) Have your say on the new forum.


2) Volume of a bowling ball.    Sir La-Tex is helpiong to work it out.   


3) Dividing Complex numbers   Thanks Alan and guests.



** If you want to comment an any issues please do so. **   


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


                                                ♪ ♫       Melody    ♪ ♫                                                


Lantern thread:

 Nov 7, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 7, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Sun 8/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 9:26pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all,


Thanks Rom, CPhill, Cars456 and Alan for you great answers today. 


Repeat request:

There is a post below where I have invited people to discuss their views of the forum.  All sensible thoughts will be greatly appreciated.


Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  



1)   Have your say on the new forum.



2)   Magic kite and narative by Dragonlance        Thanks Dragonlance and CPhill


3) Exponentials - changing decade as a power ot century as a power.    Melody


4) Percent drop    Thanks CPhill and guests.


5)  Region of integration - Advanced     Not answered yet


6) Probability and combinations      Melody


7)  Exact trig value                 Melody




** If you want to comment an any issues please do so. **   


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


                                                ♪ ♫       Melody    ♪ ♫                                                


Lantern thread:

 Nov 8, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 8, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Mon 9/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 7:46pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all,

Our great answers today were contributed by Alan, Lamblamb, Maximillian, CPhii and Heureka.  Thank you. 


Repeat request:

There is a post below where I have invited people to discuss their views of the forum.  All sensible thoughts will be greatly appreciated.



Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)    Unusual simultaneous equation     Thanks Melody and Heureka.


2)   Trig simplification       Thanks Melody and Maximillian



** If you want to comment an any issues please do so. **   


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


                                                ♪ ♫       Melody    ♪ ♫                                                


Lantern thread:

 Nov 9, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 9, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Tues 10/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 8:15pm   ♪ ♫


Hi everyone  smiley

Our fabulous answers were delivered by Alan, CPhill, Will85237, Jeanne, Saseflower,  Heureka and guests.  Many thanks.   laugh


Oh!  Saseflower has been with us for one whole year as of yesterday.  I hope that you are with us for many more years Saseflower, it is a joy to have you on the forum.   laugh 


Repeat request:

In the post below where I have invited people to discuss their views of the forum.  All sensible thoughts will be greatly appreciated.



Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)  Trig equation


2)  Modular arithmetic     Thanks Alan


3)  Venn diagram with probabilities.    Thanks CPhill


4) Speed distance and direction    Thanks CPhill


5)  Manipulating log equations     Thanks Heureka


6)  Devivative of a^x       Thanks Chris  



** If you want to comment an any issues please do so. **   


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


                                                ♪ ♫       Melody    ♪ ♫                                                


Lantern thread:

 Nov 10, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 10, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Wed 11/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 10:31pm   ♪ ♫


Hi everyone  

Today our estemed asnwerers have been geno3141, CPhill, Saseflower, Rom, Brodudedoodebrodude, Maximillian, Heureka and Alan.   A great big thank you to each of you.    laugh


Repeat request:

In the post below where I have invited people to discuss their views of the forum.  All sensible thoughts will be greatly appreciated.


Thank you for posting on this tread Maximillian.     angel


Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)  Effective interest rate and an answer to "How do you know all this Melody"


I was hesitant to include this post because I do not want people thinking I am big noting myself.

I noted that there are a number of mathematicians working the forum and some are much better mathematicians than I am.  (I do not know all their qualifications but I know by the work they produce)

It is just that some of the question askers are wondering about the regular answerers' skills and I do not think it hurts to satisfy their curiosity and let them know that they are dealing with very knowledgable  people, who are  also being very generous with their time.  



2)  Introductory play with imaginary numbers.  Good for all levels.   Thanks Heureka and Maximillian.


3)  Good circle geometry question for junious.  Thanks guest and CPhill


4)  Meaning of "inductive" and  "deductive" reasoning.     Thanks Geno    


5)  Finding the n'th term.    Thanks  CPhill, Heureka and Brodude.....

     (I am sorry Brodude, your name is just toooooooo long)     


6)  Use Newton's Method to estimate the maximum.   Thanks Alan and Melody


 7)  Understanding the hyperbola




** If you want to comment an any issues please do so. **   


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


                                                     ♪ ♫       Melody    ♪ ♫                                                


Lantern thread:

 Nov 11, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 11, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Thurs 12/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 6:22pm   ♪ ♫


A good day to you all,

Our fabulous answers have been provided by Heureka, Alan, CPhill and Saseflower.  A very big thank you to each of you.     angel



Repeat request:

In the post below where I have invited people to discuss their views of the forum.  All sensible thoughts will be greatly appreciated.


Thank you for posting on this thread Maximillian, Saseflower and CPhill


Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)  CPhill - A man of many hidden talents.      


2) Satelite signal strength.       Thanks Alan and Heureka


3)   Daily question contest.  (Hopefully a poster name will be attached to this next time)   


4)   Probability - Birthdays and tennis players.     



** If you want to comment an any issues please do so. **   


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


                                                     ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                


Lantern thread:

 Nov 12, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 12, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 12, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]    Fri 13/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 11:02pm   ♪ ♫


Hi Everyone,


Today was busy, especially fo a Friday, although I suppose it was Thursday for many of you.    frown

This is a site that I really like if you want to see what I mean.  


WOW it is more colourful than it was last time I looked and I didn't realize that most of Europe is in the same time zone !



CPhill tells me that there were lots of great questions today.  I was busy elsewhere so I missed out but fortunately CPhill sends me some great questions by private message so I have lots to show you.  :) 

I'd like other people to send me the address of pthreadss that they think are cool too!     smiley


We had lots of wonderful people answering today too.  They were:   Omi, Alan, CPhill, Heureka, Ipfouts111, Saseflower, TMga2yb, mathhemathh, Mellie, Geno3141, creep2DJ and lots of guests.  Thanks everyone!


Repeat request:

In the post below where I have invited people to discuss their views of the forum.  All sensible thoughts will be greatly appreciated.


Thank you for posting on this thread Maximillian, Saseflower and CPhill


Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1) Riddle     Thanks MWashington18       



2) Geometry questions by Mellie       Thanks CPhill

(Chris particularly noted the first question)   

The first one (a) got loads of attention from CPhill, Alan, Heureka and guest.   

a)   http://web2.0calc.com/questions/right-abc-has-ab-3-bc-4-and-ac-5-square-xyzw-is-inscribed-in-abc-with-x-and-y-on-ac-w-on-ab-and-z-on-bc-what-is-the-side-length-of-the-square

b)   http://web2.0calc.com/questions/find-the-length-of-the-shortest-altitude-of-a-triangle-with-side-lengths-10-24-26

c)   http://web2.0calc.com/questions/point-c-is-on-ac-such-that-ax-3cx-if-abc-bxa-90-then-what-is-bx

d)   http://web2.0calc.com/questions/in-pqr-we-have-p-30-q-60-r-90-point-x-is-on-pr-such-that-qx-bisects-pqr-if-pq-equals-12-then-what-is-the-area-of-pqx


3) Exponent equation         Thanks Alan, CPhill and guest   



4)  Understanding numbers and the pythagorean theorum. From Dabae      Thanks CPhill.



5)  This is an interesting little physics/maths questions.  CPhill and I are not 100% certain of the answer,



6) Simultaneous equation.    Thanks CPhill and Heureka



7) Modular Arithemtic.      Repeat question. New answer from a guest.

 I have not had a chance to look at it yet. It is on my "to look" list.        Thanks guest.



** If you want to comment an any issues please do so. **   


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


                                                     ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                


Lantern thread:

 Nov 13, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 13, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Sat 14/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 9:00pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all,


It was a very quiet Fri/Sat today.  Tha only answerers, other than myself, were TMga2tyb, CPhill, Alan and guests.  Thank you.   smiley


Repeat request:

In the post below where I have invited people to discuss their views of the forum.  All sensible thoughts will be greatly appreciated.


Thank you for posting on this thread Maximillian, Saseflower and CPhill


Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)  Physics and calculus   Thanks Alan



** If you want to comment an any issues please do so. **   


Enjoy the rest of your day :) 


                                                     ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                


Lantern thread:

 Nov 14, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 14, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Sun 15/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 12:50am (really Monday)  ♪ ♫


Hello everyone,

I trust you have all enjoyed your weekend.  laugh

We had soem great answers today from Alan, Sarafoyiti123 and Bertie.  Thanks you.


Repeat request:

In the post below where I have invited people to discuss their views of the forum.  All sensible thoughts will be greatly appreciated.


Thank you for posting on this thread Maximillian, Saseflower and CPhill


Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  

1) LancelotLink nostalga      


2)  Middle school simultaneous equations - but hard to interprete.     Thanks Guests     http://web2.0calc.com/questions/answer-this-no-please-i-really-need-your-help

3) Understanding powers   Thanks Alan


4) Geometry questions from Mellie.     Thanks Alan and Melody

a)   http://web2.0calc.com/questions/a-median-of-a-triangle-is-a-line-segment-from-a-vertex-of-a-triangle-to-the-midpoint-of-the-opposite-side-of-the-triangle-the-medians-to-the-legs-of-a

b) http://web2.0calc.com/questions/points-s-and-t-are-on-side-cd-of-rectangle-abcd-such-that-as-and-at-trisect-angle-dab-if-ct-3-and-ds-6-then-what-is-the-area-of-abcd#r1

5)   Solving a differential equation.   Thanks Alan


6) Physics and calculus      Thanks Alan


7) Modular Arithemtic continued.  Thanks Bertie  



Enjoy the rest of your weekend :) 


                                                     ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Nov 15, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 15, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 15, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Tues 17/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 8:32pm  ♪ ♫


Good evening to you all,


We have had some wonderful answers from Meghara, CPhill, Heureka, DoctorNewton, Omi67, LordEnedar, Rom, Alan and TMga2yb.  A big thank you to each of you.  laugh


Forum Issues:

I have sent a letter to Mr. Massow today discussing the new forum and addressing some of the problems that we are having. Mr. Massow is the owner and developer of web2.0calc.com. In particular I talked about the access problems that some people are experiencing and our need for a reliable search function to search for a member's posts. I did discuss other issues as well and 

I gave Mr. Massow the address of the forum thread where various issues have been discussed over this past week.  I will let you know if there are any further developments in regards to this.


Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1) Calling our comedian TROLLS to return.    Continued.  

     Please, this place needs an injection of comedy.    cheeky


2) Scientific notation and the calculator. I learned something here  Thanks guest.    http://web2.0calc.com/questions/how-do-i-use-the-scientific-calculator-while-calculating-exponents     

3) Perpendicular of a given line through a point.    Thanks Heureka    http://web2.0calc.com/questions/perpendicular-lines_4#r2

4) A Mellie Geometry question continued.    Thanks CPhill


5) Playing with cubics.   For everyone.


6) Simultaneous questions. Problem question.


7) Using graphs to solve equations   Thanks Alan


8) I was trolling, bad choice of words, I was looking though the most viewed posts and look what I found.  I must be the last ones on the whole forum to see it!  It was posted while I was oversees.   It's a beauty.  I want to look at it in fine detail as soon as I get a chance.   Thanks Heureka  angel




                                                     ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Nov 17, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 17, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Thurs 19/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 5:40pm  ♪ ♫


Hello everyone,

We have had many great answers supplied by Heureka, Alan, CPhill, TMga2yb, nicolas0122, bubbleman, rarinstraw1195, LordEnedor, Rom, Saseflower, Omi67, EinsteinJr and Syakirah159. Thanks all.  laugh


Forum Issues:

Mr Massow has replied to my message. He agrees with me that the access problems some people are having is the most important issue at the moment.  He is having trouble reproducing it but that is where his efforts are being directed at the present time.  He said he may be able to address some of the lesser issues over the weekend.

Thank you Mr Massow.  smiley


Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)  Quarters and nickels


2)  Omi57's pic should bring a smile to everybody's face :))     Thanks Omi67


3) Complex plane



                                                     ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Nov 19, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 19, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Sat 22/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 12:07am (Really Sunday)  ♪ ♫


Hi all, 

There has been 2 days worth of great questions and answers.  Our intrepid answerers were Alan, CPhill, Heureka, Syakirah159, Dragonlance, Twisted2017, adylyn_rae, TMga2yb, Shaniab29544, Bracefaceshae, Rom, Mathkid, Mellie, Will85237 and many guests.  Thank so much.  Without our wonderful answerers this forum would not exist.   angel



Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)  It is really good to see young people playing on the forum again - it has been a while.

Unfortunately you are all guests.  Please join up or at least use names in your posts so that people can get to know you.  You will find it a lot better that way, really you will.   laugh



2)  Some terrible things have happened in the world recently but here is an interesting unbiased look at terrorism.

Thanks Dragonlance.



3)  How pairing numbers can make addition much easier.     Great demo from Heureka,



4) What should the answer be if I press   9  [+/-]  [ x2 ]    on the calculator?



 5) How many push ups must the tired squirrel do?  sad      Thanks Rom.    wink



6) Binomial Probability - I think it is right.        Melody



7) Mellie questions - geometry   Not answered.

I would have answered at least some of these earlier but they disappeared!

It was really weird.  I thought I saw one very early today but when I looked for it later I could not find it - and I spent a fair amount of time looking too.  This happened to me last time Mellie posted too.  I look for icons, maybe her icon does not always display?  It is a real puzzle to me.  Anyway, none of these have been answered yet.  Maybe they were hidden from other people as well ???

It will be so much better if Mr Massow reintroduces our ability to search for a user's posts via their member page or the search feature.


a) http://web2.0calc.com/questions/a-square-and-an-equilateral-triangle-have-the-same-perimeter-let-abe-the-area-of-the-circle-circumscribed-about-the-square-and-b-be-the-area-of-the-circle

b) http://web2.0calc.com/questions/let-m-be-the-midpoint-of-side-ab-of-triangle-abc-angle-bisector-of-ad-of-angle-cab-and-the-perpendicular-bisector-of-side-ab-meet-at-x-if-ab-40-and-mx-9

c) http://web2.0calc.com/questions/find-the-circumradius-of-triangle-jkl-if-kl-16-and-jk-jl-17

d) http://web2.0calc.com/questions/find-the-inradius-of-triangle-jkl-if-jk-jl-17-and-kl-16

e) http://web2.0calc.com/questions/let-ab-6-bc-8-and-ac-10


Enjoy your weekend  laughcheekywink


                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Nov 21, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 21, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 21, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Sun 22/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 10:38 pm   ♪ ♫



Our great answers today were provided by CPhill, Will85237 the Riddler and guests. Thanks you  laugh


Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1) How do members score points and edit posts?      Thanks for asking Riddler  



2)  Riddler invites you to post fun-facts.  Thanks Riddler  

Can you add to the fun facts. ??



3)  Proof involving sum of squares and prime numbers  NOT ANSWERED.  



4) Mellie questions (repeated) - geometry   Lots of incircles and circumcircles.  Really interesting questions 

I think they have all now been answered by either CPhill or myself.    


a) http://web2.0calc.com/questions/a-square-and-an-equilateral-triangle-have-the-same-perimeter-let-abe-the-area-of-the-circle-circumscribed-about-the-square-and-b-be-the-area-of-the-circle

b) http://web2.0calc.com/questions/let-m-be-the-midpoint-of-side-ab-of-triangle-abc-angle-bisector-of-ad-of-angle-cab-and-the-perpendicular-bisector-of-side-ab-meet-at-x-if-ab-40-and-mx-9

c) http://web2.0calc.com/questions/find-the-circumradius-of-triangle-jkl-if-kl-16-and-jk-jl-17

d) http://web2.0calc.com/questions/find-the-inradius-of-triangle-jkl-if-jk-jl-17-and-kl-16

e) http://web2.0calc.com/questions/let-ab-6-bc-8-and-ac-10


Enjoy what is left of your weekend :)


                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Nov 22, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 22, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Mon 23/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 6:50 pm   ♪ ♫


Good afternoon/morning,

We had some great answers today from CPhill, geno3141, anonnymous4338 and riddler, jc and other guests.

 Thank you


Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1) Riddler's riddles.    Geno got one but the other is unanswered. :)   Thanks Geno and Ridler :)



2) Fun facts continued  Thanks Riddler



3) Problem simultaneous equations with a challenge question added.    Thanks Geno and guest.



4) 2 very different answers for a half life question.  Thanks Geno3141 and guest. :D



5) Logistics problem  Thanks CPhill and jc



6) Singing crickets and modular arithmetic. 




I hope you have all had a great start to your new week  smiley


                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Nov 23, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 23, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Tues 24/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 8:42 pm   ♪ ♫


Hi Everyone,

Today our fabulous answerers were Heureka, Ragg3dly, CPhill, Riddler, Baileyjp, EinsteinJr, Anonymous4338, JadeFrost, Olivia3.14159654 and guests: Hayley, jc and others.    Thanks everyone.


Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)  Puzzle question for everyone.    Thanks Heureka and guest.


2)  i^61       Thanks Melody and CPhill


3)  Proof using vectors.    Thanks Heureka




                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Nov 24, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 24, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Thurs 26/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 9:38 pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all,

Our great answers have been supplied by CPhill, Heureka, Alan, Riddler, gibsonj338, Olivia3.141592654, Buubleman, Bertie, Anonymous4338, Steven434, Hayley, jc and guests.    Thank you.   laugh


Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)  Fun facts about 666     Thanks CPhill

     One has to wonder about Chris's motives LOL


2)  Sum of a sequence     Thanks Alan and Heureka


3)  Factorising quadratics.  A slightly deeper look.  Melody


4)  Trig equation.   Thanks Heureka


5)  Rates. I like these.  Thanks CPhill and Heureka


6)   Calculus


7)    Differential equation     Thanks guest


8)   Find 5th roots of a complex number   Thanks guest and gibsonj338


9)   Algebraic proof   Not answered


10)   Geometry Proof     Thanks Heureka and Bertie




                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Nov 26, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 26, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Fri 27/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 3:35 pm   ♪ ♫


Hello everyone,

My weekend is already beginning but many of you will have to wait another day or so!  :)

We have had some great answers from CPhill, Anonymous4338, buubleman, Geno3141, Heureka, and Dancer04.  Thank you, you are all wonderful.     smiley


Forum Improvement:

We now have an inbox for private messages.  This is great!    Thanks Mr Massow.   laugh


Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1) Call for guests to become members.   Thanks Anonymous4338  :)


2) How do you know if a number is prime?  Thanks Gino3141 and guest.  :)


3) This was in yesterday and I would still like someone to discuss it.  :/


4) Inequality    Thanks Anonymous43338


5) Function of a function.     Thanks Geno and Heureka


6) Proof      Thanks Heureka


7) Proof    Thanks guys but I would really like another mathematician to look at this one. :/



                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Nov 27, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 27, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 27, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Sun 29/11/15   Sydney, Australia Time 9:30 pm   ♪ ♫


A very good day to you all,     smiley

We have had wonderful answers from CPhill, Alan, Heureka, geno3141, Dancer04, Annonymous4338, buubleman, Dragonlance, DragonSlayer554, TitaniumRome, Riddles, Olivia3.141592654, Acer32 and Mattesnillet.  

WOW that is a lot of answerers.  Thank you everyone   cool


Social report   cheeky    

I think this must be ther return of the old members week!  Is that because December is nearly upon us?  Lets see, Anonymous4338 has been back for a week or so, DragonSlayer554 returned yesterday, TitaniumRome made his presence felt today.  You three, along with Riddles, Olivia4.14... and Hayley if she is still with us could try and boost the young crowds interest with riddles, puzzles, and quality social threads.  Along with your standard questions and answers of course.

Also Dbg4thebest has posted a new Music report.  I would really like members and guests to support him please.  Thanks Denzel  laugh   The post is with the interest posts below. :)


Forum Issues:

There was a problem with posting pictures today.  If this is still a problem tomorrow I intend to send a note off to admin :)


Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  

1) Music Report #10      Thanks Dbg4thebest       


2) Social post:  It is like an great reunion! Me, TitaniumRome and Dragonlance


3) Basic fact wioth trigonometry - what does the co stand for in cosine?     Melody


4) Statistics question from DragonSlayer554.    Thanks  Dragonlance.


5) Calculus   Thanks Alan


6) Proof    Thanks Heureka


7)  Intuitive problem.  Thanks guests, CPhill and Melody.


8)   Proof    Thanks guys but I would really like another mathematician to look at this one. :/

     This was from last time but I would still like it to be discussed further :/



                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Nov 29, 2015
edited by Melody  Nov 29, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Tues 1/12/15   Sydney, Australia Time 11:40 pm   ♪ ♫


Good new season to you all :)

It is the first day of summer for me and for many or you, it is the fist day of winter.  How about that!    cool


Our answer credits go to: Alan, CPhill, TitaniumRome, DragonSlayer554, Anonymous4338, Hayley1, Spoderman, Omi67, Heureka, Olivia3.141592654, gabbifluker, Buubleman, Ridler, LambLamb and Rom.  Thank you so much.   laugh


Social report :      

We have a new group of young members.  This is great.  A big welcome to you and to others. :)

And congratulations Riddler on your 200 points.  I hope you stay long enough to earn 200,000 points :)





Stranger Danger:

It is very important to be very vigilant in any social setting and the internet is certainly no exception.

Please be very conscious of your own safety and of other user's safety.  Never give out personal information and do not be tempted to leave the forum to chat via email or facebook.  Socialise within the forum or with private messaging.

If someone makes you uncomfortable,  DO NOT RESPOND TO THEM !   And let me or CPhill or Alan know about it.

Some posts on this thread rang alarm bells in my head.  Please READ what i have written within the thread..  Some of it is repeated but not all and it is important for all of us to be reminded of all this over and over again!




Forum Issues:

Forum / answerer considerations.     Thanks Riddler

Please add your thoughts.  laugh



The forum is doing some really weird things.

Sun night, when I tried to remove threads from my watchlist, and once when I wanted to post a new solution, the thread was downloaded to my computer instead.


And then, my wrap lantern from Sunday, which was still there (whenI paste the address straight into the address bar)


Was no where to be seen in the 'questions list'  - Today it has returned again. ://

This happened to me once before when I was looking for one of Mellie's questions.


Also some of the posts are displaying and then going blank later on.  Anonymous4338 gave a detailed answer to a question, and then the question disappeared.  I mean it was still there but it was just white space.  And I saw other threads like this as well.  Weird!!!


Also the picture insert was not working.  I have seen some recent pics, maybe it is working now or maybe members have been following Alan's instructions on how to post a pic when the normal method is not working.


How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts:

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)  Number puzzle        Thanks Anonymous4338, CPhill and guest :)


2) Simultaneous equations     Thanks Guest.

    I thought someone might like to do this one using matrices.  :)


3)  Advanced proof.        Thanks Alan and guest :)


4) Absolute inequality     Thanks CPhill

    This would be a good one to do a graphing solution too.  I'll do that if I ever get up to it ://


5)  Exponents equation   These are fun.  Thanks Alan  :)


6)  Circle problem    Thanks CPhill and Buubleman



                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:


 Dec 1, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 1, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Wed  2/12/15   Sydney, Australia Time 6:30 pm   ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,

Well the forum is definitely alive with members and activity.  There is no way that all questions were answered or that all answers were checked.  As desirable as this would be it is totally impossible on our busier days. :(


Anyway we have lots of dedicated answerers which is fabulous.  Today these were gabbifluker, LambLamb, CPhill,Alan, Hayley1, Anonymous4338, HaleyWoodall17, Riddlet, buubleman, GenericUserName, Saseflower, xXForeWraithXx, and Heureka.   Thanks everyone.



Etiquette for social posting

Social posting is fine but you need to keep these social posts to a small number threads.

The vast majority of threads must be used for mathematics queries.  If the forum is clutterred with social content then the real questions end up getting overlooked.  I have written more on this in the post below.  Please read it  wink

If people persist in creating new threads instead of posting on the end of ongoing threads they may find that their posts are deleted.  You can find the current existing threads via the 'answer' page tab :)



A nostalic look at forum humour     cool

Nauseated visited and he took us on a trip down memory lane.   Thanks Nauseated.

There are some really funny posts in this lot :

1)     https://web2.0calc.com/questions/may-i-please-ask-a-question-about-history-i-m-really-struggling-everyone-is-so-helpful-on-here

2)     https://web2.0calc.com/questions/the-jgughujgghjhgjgjhgjghjhgjggjhgj#r5


Technical Issues

Picture posting was working at least some of the time today AND Nauseated tells us that the Search Feature has vastly improved.  I have not checked it out yet but if Nauseated says so it is bound to be true. indecision ..  Thanks Mr Massow :


Repost of Alans instructions if picture upload is not working.

How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts (Mathematics ones):

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)  Find the diagonal.   Good one for the juniors   Thanks Melody and CPhill


2)  Sum of a series  1+1/2+1/3+1/4+........       Thanks Alan


3)  How wide is the river?  .   I always like ones like this   Thanks CPhill



                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Dec 2, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 2, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Thurs 3/12/15   Sydney, Australia Time 9:40 pm   ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,

Our answer credits go to Anonymous4338, Julio772, Heureka, LambLamb, Saseflower, Brainfreezezeve, natsu, gabbifluker, Geno3141, Hayley1, CPhill, Buubleman, Nicolas0122, Rom and Alan.  Thanks everyone.




Technical Issues

Picture posting was still not working today and when I tried to find a person's posts via the search function it still did not work :(


How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


Nauseated's comedy continues          Thanks Naus  cheeky


Calculus -Product or quotient rule             Melody


Inverse trig equation.  Really good one.   Thanks Heureka


Parabola, focus , directrix and a Parabola Calculator site.  Thanks Melody and Guest.


Finding Greatest common factor.  Heureka showed me a different way. Thanks Heureka.


Understanding trig functions  Thanks CPhill, Alan and Melody.


Vectors  Thanks CPhill


Trig equations.  Thanks CPhill



                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Dec 3, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 3, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Sat 5/12/15   Sydney, Australia Time 11:43 pm   ♪ ♫


Good weekend :)

Answer credits go to CPhill, Alan, Omi67, Heureka, Hayley1, Beababy, LambLamb, Geno3141, Mathcalc. buubleman and Einstein Jt.  Thanks Guys  (  That includes the girls when used by an Australian in this context   wink  ) 


Technical Issues

IDK, is the picture upload working - it wasn't the last time i tried it. ://


How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)  How many trees can we plant?   Thanks CPhill and guest.  


2)  Difficult simultaneous equations question - Thanks Chris and Alan.

     That is what martrices are used for :)


3)  Find all solutions for sin(5x)=sin(3x)  Thanks LambLamb, CPhill, Melody and Guest.  


4)  Combinations  - pairing off 8 people       Thanks Alan


5)  Complex number multiplication     Melody


6)   Formulating number sentences     Thanks CPhill and Melody

     These would be great practice for most students!




                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Dec 5, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 5, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 5, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Wed 9/12/15   Sydney, Australia Time 11:26 pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all,

Answer credits go to CPhill, Alan, Heureka, EinsteinJr, Riddle, DragonSlayer554, James10898, Omi67, Nauseated, GoldenLeaf, Anonymous4338, TijustaGod, and SpawnofAngel.  Thank you.  

There may well be others as well, I am sorry if you got omitted.  The forum is too big and I have been too busy to really know what is going on  sad  If you answer a question and you believe your answer is correct and reasonably well explained then I strongly advise you to give yourself 5 stars.  You can no longer rely on me to give the points to you.  I do not see all posts anymore  sad


Technical Issues

IDK, is the picture upload working - it wasn't the last time i tried it. ://


How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


These interest posts are not a good cross section.  Sorry.


1)     Riddle      Thanks DragonSlayer554


2)    Altitude and Pressure    Thanks Heureka


3)   Trig transformation   Melody


4)    Determining the equation of a sine curve.      Melody


5)    What 4 consecutive odd numbers multiply to a square number.    Thanks Melody and Heureka


6)     Probability   Thanks Nauseated, Alan and CPhill




                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Dec 9, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 9, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Thurs 10/12/15   Sydney, Australia Time 12:43 pm (Really Friday)  ♪ ♫


Hi all,

Todays answer credits are awarded to Heureka, ZavierZz, CPhill, Alan, InjustaGod, Hayley1, Will85237, MathForLife, EinsteinJr and Anima.   Thank you.      laugh


Technical Issues:

How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.

I used them for the first time today, alan's instructions work well so give it a go :)



Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)   If lnx=1/x, then what is ln1/x=?    Thanks Heureka


2)   Tips for solving trig equations    Thanks Melody 


3)   What is a geometric mean   Thanks Heureka


4)   Finding the nth term   Thansk CPhill, Heureka and guest.   :)


5)   Given sine find cos        Thanks Melody and Will85237


6)   What kind of regular polygon is it?  Thanks Melody and Hayley.


7)   Using a Venn diagram to help with a probability question  Thanks CPhill


8)   Burning the candle at both ends.   Thanks Heureka


9)   Rationalizing the denominator when it is a cube root.   Melody



                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Dec 10, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 10, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Sat 12/12/15   Sydney, Australia Time 5:20 pm     ♪ ♫


Good afternoon, maybe good morning ://

We have had some great answers from CPhill, Heureka, Solveit, Omi67, IsabelleJ761, Anima, then4naves@gmail.com, Complex and KatieLeigh.  A big thank you to each of you :)  

DragonSlayer, did you answer any questions?  Did recrord any.  Mmm


Technical Issues:

How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)   Riddle   Thanks DragonSlayer554


2)   Why do I keep being flagged?     Thanks Nauseated


3)   Prime factorization   Thanks Hayley1 and The4knaves    


4)   Factors and Multiples    Melody


5)   Function Notation question  (strange but not too hard)    Melody


6)   Which points cannot be on the parabola     Melody


7)   Is this a growth function     Heureka



                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Dec 12, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 12, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Sun 13/12/15   Sydney, Australia Time 11:00 pm     ♪ ♫


Hi all

Great answers today from Kallamoar, CPhill, Dragonlance, Complex, Omi67, Alan and abbypb9.  Thanks you  laugh


Technical Issues:

How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  

1)   Riddles, Not all answered.  Thanks Complex


2)   Number Puzzle       Thanks Dragonlance Kallamoar and guest


3)  Quadratic equation where substitution is needed.


4)  CPhill is taking a hike


5)  Radioactive decay    Thanks Omi


6)  Circles, tangents and centres - tough one        Melody



Mellie Trapezium specials

7)   http://web2.0calc.com/questions/the-diagonals-of-a-trapezoid-are-perpendicular-and-have-lengths-8-and-10-find-the-length-of-the-median-of-the-trapezoid                                                  Thanks CPhill

8)    http://web2.0calc.com/questions/let-abcd-be-a-parallelogram-let-m-be-the-midpoint-of-ab-and-n-be-the-midpoint-of-ad-diagonal-p-and-q-respectively-find-pq-bd                                        Not answered

9)   http://web2.0calc.com/questions/in-trapezoid-abcd-bc-ad-angle-abd-105-angle-a-43-and-angle-c-141-find-angle-cbd-in-degrees                                                Thanks Melody and CPhill

10)  http://web2.0calc.com/questions/the-area-of-trapezoid-abcd-is-60-one-base-is-4-units-longer-than-the-other-and-the-height-of-the-trapezoid-is-5-find-the-length-of-the-median-of-the                                      Thanks melody and CPhill

11)   http://web2.0calc.com/questions/the-angles-of-a-quadrilateral-are-x-5x-15-3x-25-and-4x-20-find-the-measure-of-the-largest-angle-of-the-quadrilateral          Thanks CPhill



                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Dec 13, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 13, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 13, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Mon 14/12/15   Sydney, Australia Time 12:25 am  (really Tuesday)    ♪ ♫


Good evening from Australia,

We have had some great answers delivered by cdromdj, Complex, Badinage, Hayley1, Heureka and jc.     Thank you.   laugh


Technical Issues:

How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  

1)  The youngsters have been having some fun today.

     I woke to this thread :)    Thanks Hayley and KatieLeigh


2) Social post.  I never would have guessed that Atlanta was the busiest airport in the world!!!

    How about that.  Thanks Dragonlance and guests :)


3)  Riddles with the answers.  They are all good ones.  Thanks Complex :))


4)  Quadratic question   Thanks Guest and Heureka


5)  This substitution one is a bit out of the ordinary.  Thanks Heureka


6)  Word problem  Thanks guest.


7)   Complex numbers    Thanks Guest.



                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Dec 14, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 14, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Wed 16/12/15   Port Macquarie


Hi all,

Our wonderful answerers have been:

Heureka, CPhill, Alan, Rom, Complex, Hayley1, Gibsonj338, Dragonlance, anonymous4338, Omi67, Solveit, InjustaGod, KatieReigh, Landry, Lamblamb.  Thank you all   laugh


Technical Issues:

How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)  Please do Not post on unpleasant threads.


2)  Probability and fun     Melody Nauseated, Queen Guinevere and MorganTud


3)  Understanding Parabolas    Thanks Alan and Melody.


4)  How far is it ?


5)  Percentage algebra question.     Thanks Heureka


6)  Space travel, lightyears and revolutions    Thanks Heureka


7)  Multiple roots equation    Melody


8)  Mass velocity and kinetic energy    Thanks Heureka


9)  Good Simultaneous Equation Question   Thanks Heureka and guest



                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Dec 16, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 16, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 17, 2015

I think its cool how your date is set up like that. :)

 Dec 16, 2015

Thanks Hayley :)

 Dec 16, 2015



Final's start friday.

 Dec 16, 2015

At the end of my wrap posts I include a hyperlink that takes you back to the Wrap lantern for the day.  I like people to talk to me about the wrap - or just chatter to me in general but could you please do it on the wrap lantern instead of here.  Otherwise this thread just gets toooooo long toooooo quickly.


This thread is just for the wraps AND for important forum issues that you think people should be aware of.


So if YOU have an imprortant forum issue to bring to people's attention then by all means post it here OR post the address of the thread here. (the address of where you have started a discussion of the issue) 


Thank you laugh

 Dec 16, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Thurs 18/12/15   Port Macquarie, Australia Time 12:22 am  (really Friday)    ♪ ♫


Hello everyone,

Today our answer credits go to Alan, gibsonj338, Hayley1, Benny, SpawnofAngel, Heureka, CPhill and Skittlesoo.  Thanks guys.   laugh


(Did you notice, I'm on holidays)


Technical Issues:

How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)  Jokes  Thanks Hayley, CPhill and guests   


2)  Advice about Dodgeball  (Whatever game may be)   


3)  Ahh The good old days.    Thanks SpawnofAngel


4) Calculus.   Thanks Guest

    I'd like to see someone play with this. 


5) Recursive function.   Thanks Heureka


6) Function Transformation.        Thanks SpawnofAngel


7) Repeated Geometry of circles question.  Thanks Alan



                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Dec 17, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 17, 2015

I love you're holiday colors, Mrs. Melody!!

Very festive!! 


 Dec 17, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Thurs 25/12/15   Sydney,  Australia Time 11:59 am   ♪ ♫


Enjoy your Chrismas Eve everyone, don't forget to leave out milk and cookies for Santa !    laughangellaugh


Hi all,

It has been a week since my last wrap.  That is largely because I was away on holidays. This also means that there are a number of threads and answers that I have not seen :(  Still I have collected many answerer names: Credits go to Alan, CPhill, anonymous4338, Complex, Heureka, Olivia 3.141592654, Cookiesandcream, Alleycat2, gibsonj338 and Dragonlance.  Thank you    laugh


Thanks for a appreciating my colour scheme too Hayley  LOL   cool


Stranger danger reminder



Technical Issues:

How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


Birthday posts:

B1)  CPhill                            https://web2.0calc.com/questions/happy-birthday-cphill_1#r7

B2)   DragonSlayer554         https://web2.0calc.com/questions/happy-birthday-dragonslayer554

B3)   Hayley1                        https://web2.0calc.com/questions/happy-birthday-hayley


1)  Logic Problem     Thanks Hayley1 and guest.


2)  I found thiis trigonometry viedo animation online and I thought it was really good :)


3)  Integration by parts.    Melody


4)  Co-ordinate geometry and parallel lines :)  [By Solveit]

    I liked this question - my answer is not great because the question was quite old before I saw it. :/

    A graph would have been good.


5)  Complex roots

     5a)  https://web2.0calc.com/questions/find-all-third-roots-of-8-1-3

     5b)  https://web2.0calc.com/questions/find-all-cubic-roots-of-z-1-i

     5c)   http://web2.0calc.com/questions/find-all-4th-roots-of-z-5000-i

6)  Fitting points to an equation.  Thanks CPhill and melody.


7)  Trig identity    Thanks CPhill



                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Dec 24, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 24, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 24, 2015

MERRY CHRISTMAS 2015                                                                 


@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Fri 25/12/15   Sydney,  Australia Time 12:47 am   ♪ ♫

(really 26th - Boxing day sad )


Merry Christmas everyone, I hope Santa has helped to make you all very happy.   laugh

Even Dragonlance - he missed out last year cause he was sooo naughty!     


Merry Christmas  HoHoHo     laugh


I think CPhill and I are the only members that answered questions today!  BUT

Dragonlance did write us some terrific stories, I will include them in the interest posts.  angel


Technical Issues:

How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)   Merry Christmas


2)  A Christmas Story from Dragonlance's Journal.  Very sweet and very funny, thanks Dragonlance.


3)  Ouija Board Story by DragonLance:  Put this on your 'must read' list. It is hilarious.


4)  Mathematica Talent Contest       CPhill wins here !


5)  An interesting substitution queston.     Melody


6)  Easy complex number equation   Thanks Guest


7)  One more complex root , just for good measure   Melody



                                                                 ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Dec 25, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 25, 2015


@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Sun 27/12/15   Sydney,  Australia Time 12:50 am   ♪ ♫

(really Mon)


Good day to you all :)

Today our answer credits fo to Alan, CPhill and mkord.  Congratulations !!   angel


Technical Issues:

How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)   If you have not read Dragonlance's stories then I suggest you do.

     They are very entertaining :)  

a)   http://web2.0calc.com/questions/a-christmas-story-from-dragonlance-s-journal

b)   http://web2.0calc.com/questions/dragonlance-s-journal-stories

2)   Chrismas post continued


3)    Ah, the good old days - a bit of continued reminiscence.


4)   Good website to practice for SAT's  Thanks Solveit


5)   Solveit has been asking some really interesting multiple choice questions.

     They are not very hard but they require a good understning of the related topics.

 a) http://web2.0calc.com/questions/if-a-circle

 b) http://web2.0calc.com/questions/did-i-need-to-write-everything-down-or-there-is-easier-way

6)  Understanding Negative exponents.    


7)   Inequality with e    Thanks CPhill


8)   Quintic Convergence of pi (whatever that means)  Thanks Alan   :)


9)   Unusual factorization         Melody.


10)  Interesting Limit     Thanks Guests, CPhill and Alan


11)  Scary looking Integral    Thanks guest and Alan



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫                                                

Lantern thread:

 Dec 27, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 27, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 27, 2015

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Wed 30/12/15   Sydney,  Australia Time 11:00 pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all our dedicated Christmas forumers.   laugh


Well we have had some fabulous answers from CPhill, Solveit, Alan, tiferon2 and geno3141.  Thanks guys  cool


Technical Issues:

How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.  


1)  Happy birthday Gino   


2)  More great stories from Dragonlance    


3)  Great geometry brain tease   


4)  Finding asymptotes of a hyperbola.    (Contined)   Thanks Gino3141, Alan and Guest.


5)  Completing the squares.  Great answer from CPhill


6)  Quintic Convergence of pi (continued)  Thanks Alan and Bertie    :)


7)  Difficult Integral


8)  Ordinary differential Equation



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:                          

 Dec 30, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 30, 2015

Hi everyone happy New Year's Day! How do you post a pic?

 Dec 31, 2015

Hi Guest, You have to be a member to post pictures.   surprise

That is really easy. You need to chose a username and a password and you need to give a valid email address.  That is it!

Once you become a member just follow Alan's instructions on how to post a picture.  I have been including the post reference in Every Wrap for quite a while now (the post before and after this will have it) ! (Under Technical Issues)  I look forward to seeing you as a member :)

 Jan 1, 2016



@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Fri 1/1/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 8:45 pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all, 

It is already busier, too bad I like it quiet but that is ok :)  We has some great answers from geno3141, Complex, gibsonj338, Alan, Dragonlance and Bertie.  Thanks all    laugh


Technical Issues:

How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


1)  Happy New Year


2)  Happy new year from Nauseated


3)  Great spacial concepts question:  Not answered on purpose.

     Maybe one of our 13 to 16 years olds might like to try it??   [Thanks Dragonlance laugh ]


4)  Great geometry / algebra question from Mellie.


5)  Building a trig graph        Melody


6)  Binary to Decimal    (3 different methods) Thanks Melody, Bertie and guests.


7)  Calculus    Melody and guest


8)   Fourier Transform       Thanks Alan



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:                          

 Jan 1, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 1, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 1, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 1, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Sun 3/1/16   Sydney,  Australia Time11:25 pm   ♪ ♫


Hi everyone!

We have had some great answers from CPhill, Alan, Solveit, geno3141 and Omi67.  Thanks you  laugh


Technical Issues:

How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


1)  The moderators and most of the members and guests here really like that this is an international site and that not all questions are asked in English!  Every well intentioned person is welcome here!


2)  It is amazing what unlikely posts can result in good social interchange.


3)  Jokes and Riddles     Thanks Guest :)


4)  Is Googol a number?  Thank Alan


5)  Calculate pi to 6 places with only very basic calculator    Thanks Guest


6)   Integrate sin^4x  This is a repetative question, one students at this level should  be able to answer.

     Thanks CPhill and guest.



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:                          

 Jan 3, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 3, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 3, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 3, 2016
 Jan 3, 2016
edited by HeatherF  Jan 3, 2016

Some of the links in my last wrap did not work.  They have been fixed know.  Thank you Alan for letting me know :)

 Jan 3, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Mon 4/1/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 7:15 pm   ♪ ♫


Good evening, well it is for me anyway.  laugh

It was quiet today but as always there were questions and answer to match.  Our consciencioud answerers were CPhilll, Solveit and Omi67  Thank you.   smiley


Technical Issues:

How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


1)  Fahrenheit to Celcius  With a time factor.    Thanks CPhill


2)  A very fishy problem . Time consuming but not super hard.  Why don't you see it you can do it ??

     Thanks CPhill and Melody


3)  I can't get my head around this trig question :(



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:                          

 Jan 4, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 4, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 4, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 4, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Tues 5/1/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 6:44 pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all,

We have had some great answers today from CPhill, Alan, Omi67, Hayley1, Kallomoar, geno3141, gibsonj338, Solveit, RinElys and Coldplay.  Thank you.   laugh


Technical Issues:

How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


1)  Hayley's back (Social centre of the world LOL)


2)  Mathematics of a lens.    Thanks Omi67


3)  Find the radius of a inscribed circle    Thanks CPhill


4)  What is rotational symmetry?     Geno3141 and Melody


5)  How many toothpicks in the pyramid?


6)  A simple sequence to make you think :)     Thanks Alan and guests



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:                          

 Jan 5, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 5, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 5, 2016

Good I'm not sure what time it is for you:) How do I edit an answer after I put it down? I did last night but it's not letting me do it right now.:))))

 Jan 5, 2016

I am going to click on the link to the lantern thread.  See it is in blue at the very bottom of my last wrap. (just above your post.)

That will take me to the lantern and I will answer your question there.  I like people tro comment on my wrap but the thread is already long so most times I would prefer you to jump actoss and comment on the Lantern post.

Anyway I will meet you at the Lantern :)  Use the Lantern link.  It is important that you understand what I am talking about.

 Jan 5, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Wed 6/1/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 12:40 am   ♪ ♫

(Really it is Thurday)



Hello to you all,

Today, answer credits are awarded to CPhill, Alan, Hayley1, aditya, Colplay, KatieLeigh, gibsonj338, SmoothHelper, Injustagod and Heureka.  Thanks guys   laugh



Technical Issues:

How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


1) Question for the junior - some fun, some informative answers 


2)  Understanding integers   Thanks CPhill


3)   This one has got Chris and me stumped.  Aditya has been desperate for an answer for about 24 hours. 

       Maybe some brilliant person can help her/him out.   

      The actual question is in bold blue writing.   


4)   Encryption - looks ver interesting  Thanks CPhill


5)   Momentum, velocity and cool stuff like that!  Thanks Alan




                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:                          

 Jan 6, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 6, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 6, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Fri 8/1/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 11:45 pm   ♪ ♫


Welcome to Friday, well it is Friday for all of you but for me it is very nearly Saturday....  If you are in New Zealand it is already Saturday ://

All the US students are back to school so the forum is back to really busy.  Hence, we have had an abundance of great questons and answers.  Answer credits are awarded to CPhill, Alan, Heureka, Bertie, Hayley1, Omi67, InjustaGod, Happy7, Solveit, Coldplay, Immar, xvxvxv (He is 315), gibsonj338, KatieLeigh and jc.  Thanks, we would have not forum if it ws not for great people like you :)


Technical Issues:

How can you post a picture when the picture upload on the forum is not working properly ?

Thanks very much Alan for these instructions.



There were probably some great social posts but I did not have time to look at them :(


Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


1)  Congratulations Mathsgod - It is great to see you back and it's fantastic that you are achieving such excellent results. :)


2)  A rediculously tricky question and a bit of play :)


3)  Great equations solution from Hayley.   


4)  A trig quadratic using substitution.


5)  Difficult ratio question.  Thanks Heureka, guest and Melody.


6)  Synthetic division,  Thanks CPhill


7)  Area and probablility.  Good pracice question.  Thanks Solveit and CPhill


8)  New notation for me !5     Thanks Heureka


9)   Solving inequalities.   Thanks gibsonj338


10)  Discussion on odds and payouts.  Thanks CPhill and guest



These are continued from yesterday:

They have been added to:

11)   Number theory ? I am not sure what to call it.  Thanks Alan, Heureka and Bertie.  angel cool angel   


12)   Momentum, velocity and cool stuff like that!  Thanks Alan  (315 has added a query)  indecision




                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:                          

 Jan 8, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 8, 2016

Hi, thanks melody, it is 2:0pm in Britain

 Jan 8, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Sat 9/1/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 11:59 pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all, 

Answer credits go to : CPhill, Alan, Bertie, Heureka, Dragonlance, Solveit, Coldplay and jc.  Thank you.  laugh


Technical Issues:

I have taken Alan's post on how to include pictures and I have turnedit into a standalone post.

It can be found in the Sticky topics and it is called "@ Instructions on uploading pictures"


If anyone would like to comment, please do so :)


Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


These are continued from yesterday:

They have both been added to:


2)     A rediculously tricky question and a bit of play :)  

        A guest and CPhill have added to this one from yesterday and it does look interestig :)


11)   Number theory ? I am not sure what to call it.  Thanks Alan, Heureka and Bertie.  




                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:                          

 Jan 9, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 9, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 9, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Tues 12/1/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 11:44 pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all,


Well the year has definitely started on the forum.  Australian children do not go back until the beginnning of February!  :)

There have been some great questions and these have been answered by Cphill, Alan, Heureka, Omi67, Dragonlance, Coldplay, xvxvxv, KatieLeigh, HeadBuster, Solveit and InstagramModel.  Thank you everyone, you are all treasures  laugh



Technical Issues:

Mr Massow has repaired our image posting facility - this is great - it is so much quicker than it has been for the last few months.

Here are the instructions:    



Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


1)  Greetings in Camelot, Thanks Coldplay and guest :)


2)  Permutation question    Thanks Dragonlance and Melody. 


3)  Basic inequality proof  Thanks Melody and CPhill


4)  How long till Earth recieves its package.  Thank CPhill, Dargonlance and Heureka


5)  Circle geometry proof  Thanks CPhill


6)  Trig Problem.   Thanks CPhill and guests


7)  Understanding numbers and powers.  Thanks Heureka, Melody and Aditya 


8)  Difficult integration,   Thanks Alan



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:                          

 Jan 12, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 12, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 12, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Wed 13/1/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 12:54 pm   ♪ ♫


A good day to you all.


Our wonderful answerers are:  Heureka, CPhill, Dragonlance, Admin, Coldplay, Hauley1, xvxvxv, gibsonj338 and Geno3141.   Thanks everyone laugh


Technical Issues:

Yesterday Mr Massow fixed out picture posting problem so it is easier again now

Here are the instructions:    https://web2.0calc.com/questions/instructions-on-uploading-pictures#r4


Today I was looking at some brilliant LaTex that Heureka had posted and I realized that if I right click on it then I can view the Latex in an expandable box AND I can highlight it so I can copy it.  This is fabulous.  For me the only way I increase my LaTex knowledge is by learning from others others (mainly Heuraka and Nauseated).  So this is a really great forum enhancemant.  Thanks Mr Massow.  laugh

http://web2.0calc.com/questions/infinite-sums      Repeated below


Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


1) Seven sisters BUT how many legs?  Can you count them?


2)  Great puzzle - an old one but a good one.  Thanks CPhill Heureka and Gibsonj338.


3)  Geometry questions - these are always good for your brain and CPhill is good at them.  Thanks CPhill.


4)  Does       \(\sqrt{x-y}=\sqrt{x}-\sqrt{y}\quad ?\)

                                                      Thanks xvxvxv, CPhill and gibsonj338


5)  Sum of squares   Really interesting method and great Latex too!   Thanks Heureka


6)  Repeat probablilty question from yesterday.      Melody and CPhill.



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:                          

 Jan 13, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 13, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 13, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Thurs 14/1/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 11:07 pm   ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,

Great answers today were provided by Solveit, CPhill, Hayley1, Admin, calmmylife, Heureka, gibsonj338, xvxvxv and GenericUserNameHere.    Thank you      laugh


Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


1)  How long will it take.  I like these problems.  Thanks Solviet, Hayley, Melody Guest and CPhill.


2)  Geometry   CPhill is great at these :)


3)  Simplifying algebraic fractions        Thanks Heureka


4)  Find the next four numbers in this sequence.   Thanks Heureka


5)  Degrees minutes seconds on a online or downloadable calculator, has anyone seen one?



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:

 Jan 14, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 14, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 14, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Fri 15/1/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 10:23 pm   ♪ ♫


A very good day to you all,

Answer credits are awarded to CPhill, Heureka, Coldplay, Solveit, Hayley1, xvxvxv, Okim2001, Olivia3.14..., rarinstraw1195, and not to be forgotten, Nauseated  laugh


Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


1)  Jokes on the forum,  thanks Olivia3.14.... , Hayley and CPhill    


2)  The uncomplicated humour in this one appealed to me,  Thanks guest Hayley and Solveit  


3)  Chemistry        Thanks Nauseated and guest.


4)  Simultaneous equations - with a difference with a weird graph.  ://     Thanks guest and Melody.


5)  Motion problem using formula OR calculus     


6)  Co-ordinate geometry reflection.  Cool graph too     Thanks CPhill


7)  Finding zeros of a polynomial of degree 3   Thanks guest and CPhill


8)  Matrices  Thanks Heureka and CPhill


9)  Find the next terms in the sequence       Heureka's brilliance continues from yesterday :)


10)  A downloadable calculator with a DMS button.  Thanks guest - Much appreciated

                  (continued from yesterday)




                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:

 Jan 15, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 15, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Sat 16/1/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 5:32 pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all,

Our great answers today have been supplied by CPhill, Heureka, Omi67, Geno3141, Hayley1, xvxvxv, Solveit, rarinstraw1195, BreeDaBoss and Einstein Jr.    Thank you.    laugh


Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


1)  Humour for everyone   


2)  Jokes and Riddles  Thanks Hayley and Coldplay.


3) A look at our forum :)        Thanks guest and Dragonlance   


4) Dragonlance antertaining us once again.  Thank you :)


5)  Hayley's kind sentiments    




6)   The headache of slow clocks.     Thanks Melody and CPhill


7)  Interesting equation to solve.  Thanks CPhill and guest.


8)  Cube root of -125   (basic answers only are relevant)  Thanks guest, CPhill and Melody.


9)  Limit as x tends to infinity.   Thanks CPhill


10)  Make x the subject,   Thanks guest and CPhill




                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:

 Jan 17, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 17, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 17, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Tues 19/1/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 1:55pm   ♪ ♫


Hello everyone,

Answerer credits are awarded to CPhill, Solveit, EinsteinJr, Heureka, Coldplay, DragonLlayer554, Will8537, geno3141, and Anonymous4338.  A very big thankyou to each of you :)  


Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


Communications and Fun

1)   PLEASE be CONSIDERATE of other users.          


2)   A Heart for Valentine's Day   Thanks EinsteinJr      


3)  Funny pics        Thanks Coldplay      


4)  Invitation to press your views and Commedy at its best.  

                         Thanks Nauseated as well as Dragonlance, Coldplay and guest


5)  How many marbles + CPhill amusing himself :)       



Serious questions

6)  How many combinations are there ?


7)  Find the smallest perfect square with 3 prime factors...   Thanks Heureka


8)  Angle geometry      Thanks CPhill


9)  Find the hyperbola  Thanks Solveit.    I would like to see another answer though ://


10)  Find the roots of the polynomial.   Thanks Heureka, Will8537 and Melody.


11)  Complicated Trig integration     Thanks Guest and Heureka


12)  Interesting simultaneous equation    Thanks Geno3141


Repeat from yesterday

13)   The headache of slow clocks.   Thanks Melody and CPhill   Solviet accepts it as finished but I do not.  




                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:

 Jan 19, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 19, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 19, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Thurs 21/1/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 5:35pm   ♪ ♫



Hi everyone, it has been busy!!

Answer credits are awarded to CPhill, Alan, Heureka, Bertie, Omi67, asinus, BreeDeBoss, OneDirection, rarinstraw1195, Will85237, Solveit, Coldplay, Dragonlance, xvxvxv, InjustaGod and Wondergirl1257.  Thanks everyone.  laugh



Belated Happy Birthday to our wonderful storyteller, Dragonlance.  We hope that you had a great day  cheeky


Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


Communications and Fun:

1)  A forum history trip, complete with lots of comedy.  Coldplay has been doing some archeological digging.

     Thanks so much Coldplay, these old posts are great!



Mathematics posts:

2)   Understanding fractions - beginner equation...  Thanks guests and Melody


3)  Find the angle in the circle.     Melody


4)  If x is doubled by what factor does y increase?   Thanks Heureka


5)  How many ways can people sit around a table - with restrictions.   Thanks CPhill and Melody


6)  How high is the ceiling?    Thanks CPhill



Repeats from last time:

7)  Find the hyperbola        Thanks Bertie          


8)   The headache of slow clocks.     Heureka has offered a great answer, Thanks Heureka   




                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:

 Jan 21, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 21, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Tues  26/1/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 12:35am   ♪ ♫


It is Australia Day!                         26th Jan 1788

It is also Republic Day in India    26th Jan 1950     Rosala taught me that!  Thank Rosala

It is kinda funny, Rosala is celebrating the day when her great country became a republic.

And, Australia is clebrating the  day when the United Kingdom dumped 11 sailboat loads of it unwanted criminals on our shore.  Sometimes you just gotta be Australian or you just won't get it  LOL !




I tried to put an India picture in but the post was playing up and sat over the top of the writing - weird!



Hi all,

 It has been a long time since my last wrap,  my question and answer checking has not been at its best.  cheeky

I have been really busy and I will continue to be really busy for a while yet.  But, I wll do the best I can :)


Answer credits are awarded to CPhill, Alan, Heureka,Solveit, Rarinstraw1195, OneDirection, Hayley1, Will85237, gibsonj338, InjustaGod, Katie-Leigh, ~jc, Dragonlance, DragonSlayer554, Coldplay

and WhyIsEveryNameTaken?   I had to laugh at that one, welcome to the forum WIENT    

A very big thank you to each and every one of you  laugh


What is happening:

1)   Mistress Katie-Leigh has been employed by Queen Guinevere as a Lady in Waiting (In training)  She has been assigned to Head Mistress Melody where she is carrying out all manner of very important tasks.  She she is now a representative of the Royal Court so it is imperative that she acts with great dignity at all times.  It is also very important that others of the forum hold her in the High esteeme that her Office affords her.   angel


2)  Admin has been on quite a bit lately.  He probably introduced all sorts of great things that I haven't even noticed yet

BUT     here is one I do know about.

We now have the ability to block and unblock specific members from messaging us.

Hayley (I think) says it is not working properly, well let us know if you find it isn't working, hopfully they will only be teethng problems and Admin will have it working real well soon.

The button is found at the bottom of the members private message page.

This will be really good to stop those nuisance messagers, I am interested in feed back on exactly how it works that is assuming it does work LOL  :D



Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


Communications and Fun:

1)  NEW FEATURE ADDED        Thanks    Dragonslayer554   and   Admin    


2)  I thought this was funny :)  Thanks Rarinstraw1195, CPhill and Admin   



Mathematics posts:

3)   How do you multiply a whole number with a fraction.  (For the juniors) Great answer from Gibsonj338   


4)   Dealing with negative indices (just the basics)    Thanks Guest and Melody


5)  Can you find a smaller number with 13 factors ?   For the juniors     Thanks rarinstraw1195 and guest   :)


6)  Function of a function.   Thanks CPhill,


7)  Limit Question - hole in half a parabola     Great answer from guest, improved presentation from Melody.


8)  Find the height of the rhombus.    Thanks Heureka


9)  An old conics question that Solveit, to her credit, has persisted with. 


    Well that is not right - I wonder if Solveit can give use the correct address     indecisionsad


Repeats from last time:

10)    This conics question should go up in our Hall of Fame.  We must get one of those!

                  Thanks Solveit, Melody, Chris and Alan and new thanks to Heureka and Bertie.   



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:

 Jan 25, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 25, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 25, 2016
edited by Melody  Jan 25, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Sat 6/2/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 5:40pm   ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,

As most of you would be aware, I have been away and I have not been very active on the forum for the last 2 or 3 weeks.  I have not been collecting names of answerers but I greatly appreciate all the help that every answerer gives laugh


What is happening:

1)  26th January was not just Australia Day AND not just Republic Day in India.

      26th January is also

                 Birthday of Camelot's Valiant Protector,  TitaniumRome!!  

                    Happy belated birthday TR.     I hope it was a great day!  


2)   What else?   How should I know, I've not been here   LOL    frown

I did notice something this morning smiley

There used to be 5 forums here: English, German, Spanish, French and Russian.

I knew that the Russian forum, which was not being used, was removed a while back but I noticed this morning that it has been replaced by HINDI     cool

Hindi is one of the official languages of the Union of India and it is the first language for 180 million people.

My goodness that is a lot of people !!   Australia only has 24 million people!   I digress........  

We have many Indian members and guests on the forum.  Perhaps some of those can get some good use from the new Hindi Maths Forum.  Thanks Mr. Massow for organising this forum for the 180 million potential users. It will be great to see it come to life.   laugh


You can click into any of the forums from the bottom of most screens.  

Just click into the one that you want  (This is what it looks like)    laugh



Interest Posts: 


If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


I have not been around and I have not sure I have not seen a great many fabulous questions and answers, these are just a few of the good ones that I have, by chance, seen.  smiley


Communications and Fun:


1)   Some wonderful recognition for the forums hard working answerers.   Thanks Guest :)


2)   What is Math.  TitaniumRome dug up this great old social post :)  Thanks TR


       Reference post:       https://web2.0calc.com/questions/what-s-a-math


Mathematics posts:


3)   Rearranging an equation - just a little different    Melody and guest     


4)   How many buttons are there?  Thanks Alan and Heureka


5)   Calculus     Thanks Fiora


6)   Equivalent expressions.   I used partial fractions, Chris found a factoring way.  

      Thanks Melody and CPhill


7)   Finding gradient of tangent from first principal.    Melody


8)   Calculus - not too hard, just a bit different.  Thanks Melody and CPhill


9)   I do not understand this integration question :/   Thanks Guest.


10)  A very unusual 'mean' question...   Thanks Heureka



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:

 Feb 6, 2016
edited by Melody  Feb 6, 2016
edited by Melody  Feb 6, 2016
edited by Melody  Feb 6, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Sunday 7/2/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 9:15pm   ♪ ♫


Hi everyone, 

It's been a quiet Saturday/Sunday.  Not that many good questions but more than our fair share of nuisance posts that had to be deleted.  


Threre are ALWAYS some good questions and they are ALWAYS accompanied by good and interesting answers.  

Today our industrious answerers are  CPhill, rarinstraw1195, Dragonslayer554, Amberella, asinus, gliu1, BruceWayne, Heureka, Solveit, Geno3141 and Hayley1.

Thank you all for your enthusiasm and your great answers   laugh



I will now take this opportunity to talk about this problem of obnoxious posts and posters surprise

A person who makes these unpleasant posts is looking for a reaction - any reaction!  As soon as you put words into a reply post you are giving this person exactly what they want, you are giving them attention!  If you do not respond at all the person can derive no reaction thrill.  It would feel to him like he is trying to prod a brick wall.  He'll get bored with that very soon and go find a different playground that might be more fun.  



Yesterday I gave a happy belated birthday message to TitaniumRome.  Titanium, InjustaGod and Rarinstraw all expressed their pleasure and the break in the wrap drought.  Thanks guys, Titanium also gave me a peice of his birthday cake.  Since forum cakes are non-diminishing, I would like to share it with all of you.  ENJOY!   smiley



Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.



CPhill chose all the interest posts tonight so maybe you might get something a little different.

Thanks Chris, I really appreciate your contribution.   laugh


Mathematics posts:

1)  How many tickets??....good reasoning problem answered by Dragonslayer and a guest  :


2)  Arrows on the target  .....asked by DS......answered by me and Solveit....


3)  A good number problem posted by Shades, answered by a guest : https://web2.0calc.com/questions/number-problem_1

4)  Finding the diagonal of a sqaure.....I really liked this one that rarinstraw submitted!!!.....I did it one way......heureka did it entirely differently [ I don't understand what he did, but I'm hoping he'll give me some guidance]


5)  Finding an equation of a circle.....geno did it one way....I did it another...


6)  An interesting geometry question from chilledz3non:

This one requires some knowledge of Euclid's Elements.....I believe I got the correct answer....


7)  Some head-scratchers asked by EinsteinJr  and answered by Haley, guest and me : https://web2.0calc.com/questions/a-few-problems          [one is still unanswered ]


                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:

 Feb 7, 2016
edited by Melody  Feb 7, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Monday 8/2/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 8:26pm   ♪ ♫


Good evening everyone  cool

Our great answers were delivered today by CPhill, Heureka, Solveit, rarinstraw1195, danielr_ddrp, asinus, admin and User101.   

Thanks guys (and girls)   :)


What is happening:

1)     Our obnoxious poster from yesterday has been banned  from the forum so it was very pleasant today :)


2)     OUR FORUM HAS HAD A BIG UPGRADE            cool

        IT INCLUDES:

        - Better profanity filter to screen out bad words. 

        - Pictures will be screened better to check they are appropriate.

        - It is now possible to respond to a specific post within a thread.

        - Non-members can no longer give points

        - You can no longer give yourself points any more

        - Moderators now have the ability to close threads so they cannot be added to.

        THANKS MR. MASSOW        laugh


Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


Fun and information posts:

1) Year of the Monkey    Thanks InjustaGod


2) Here is a historical thread that TitaniumRome flushed out   Thanks TR



Mathematics posts:

3) Equations with fractions.     Thanks rarinstraw1195 and Melody


4) Simultaneous equations with logs    Melody.


5) Factor and remainder theorems with Polynomials    Thanks Melody and CPhill

5a)  http://web2.0calc.com/questions/when-the-polynomial-p-x-3x-3-kx-2-45x-25-is-divided-by-x-5-the-remainder-is-0-which-of-the-following-is-also-a-factor-of-p-x

5b)  http://web2.0calc.com/questions/what-is-the-value-of-k-if-x3-kx2-7x-5-is-divided-by-x-6-and-gives-a-remainder-of-1

6) Parabolas and normals.     Thanks CPhill


7) I don't understand what this one is about :///


Repeat from yesterday.  Thanks Heureka  

8)  Finding the diagonal of a sqaure.....I really liked this one that rarinstraw submitted!!!.....I did it one way.....

heureka did it entirely differently [ I don't understand what he did, but I'm hoping he'll give me some guidance]



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:

 Feb 8, 2016
edited by Melody  Feb 8, 2016
edited by Melody  Feb 8, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Tues 9/2/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 9:36pm   ♪ ♫


Hi everybody,

Today our wonderful answerers were Alan, CPhill, Solviet, InjustaGod, rarinstraw1195, DragonSlater554, Geno3141, BruceWayne, SpawnofAngle, GenericUserName and asinus.    Thank you.   laugh


What is happening:

Mmm, the new feartures are settling   ....      Most times I could not give anyone points today.  Sorry, I did try, the system just would not let me.      sad


Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


Fun and information posts:

1) Coldplay has beeen educating me about the Mardi Gras in New Orleans and about Lent.   Thanks Coldplay



Mathematics posts:

2) Right angled isosceles triangle.     Thanks GenericUserName, Rarinstraw1195, CPhill and Melody.


3) An interesting little rates question.  Thanks Alan


4) A calculus exercise  Thanks  lakofbryn, Alan and Guest



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:

 Feb 9, 2016
edited by Melody  Feb 9, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   TFri 12/2/2/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 3:35pm   ♪ ♫


Hi everyone, 

I have not done a wrap since Tuesday and there have been a lot of posts. I have only looked at a small percentage of the questions and social posts presented.  I have done the bes I can to collect answerers names but I am bound to have missed some.  All I can say is sorry and please don't take it personally if you have been omitted from the list.

Our answerers hve been, CPhill, Alan, Heureka, admin, asinus, Solveit, rarinstraw1195, SpawnofAngel, UnbeatableGamer, Baller_Status, DragonSlayer554, InjustaGod, OneDirection, Olivia3,14..., and BruceWayne.  Thanks guys and girls   angel



What is happening:

Dessiden joined very recently and almost immediately partitioned the Queen for the role of Queen's  A******n.

Since he was so new to Camelot permision was denied.  But, he has been given an apprenticeship as a Black Smith at Cyberswords.  Dragon Slayer purchases his superior blades through Cyberswords and Slayer has said that perhaps one day, when Dessiden becomes a master sword maker that he may be given the great honour of making the Slayer's sword!   


Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


Fun and information posts:

1) A note of thanks to all the helpers           Thank you guest :)


2) Record numbers of users.  Thanks DragonSlayer554


3) I have include this at TitaniumRome's request. 

There  are some good thoughts here I know but I was reluctant to include it because I am getting very tired of the 'heavy' socializing that if going on here,

CPhill says he is feeling the same way. You can expect more posts to be blanked.  This is a maths forum but to a casual observer the only clue of that is sometimes the title.  

Often it seems more like a bad episode of "Days of our Lives".



Mathematics posts:

4) Solveit has found a great equation solving site!      Thanks Solveit, the site looks really good!


5) What time was it ???    Thanks Spaw ofAngel and CPhill


6) Instantaneous velocities from first principals   Thanks CPhill


7) Differential equations and a tangent   Thanks Melody and guest and CPhill


8) Convergent Iterations   Another brilliant answer from Heureka



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:

 Feb 12, 2016
edited by Melody  Feb 12, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Sat 13/2/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 10:30pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all,

There have been lots of great answers delivered by Alan, CPhill, Solveit, rarinstraw, DragonSlayer554, Anonymous4338, BruceWayne and Dragonlance. Thanks everyone :)


Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


Fun and information posts:

1)  What is devision.    Thanks Guest


2)  Riddle  Thanks Anonymous4338



Mathematics posts:

3)  Percentages and equations    Thanks guest and CPhill


4)  Find the limit.   Thanks Alan


5)  Probability of selecting one or 2 defective items. (binomial probablility.  Thanks CPhill



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:

 Feb 13, 2016
edited by Melody  Feb 13, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Mon 15/2/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 12:17am   ♪ ♫


Good day to you all,

We have had some terrific answers this Sat/Sun delivered by CPhill, Alan, Geno3141. Solveit, Dragonlance, Dragonslayer554, asinus, rarinstraw1195 and Anonymous4338.    Thank you   laugh


Camelot News:

For a while now, Mistress Coldplay has been Camelot's Royal Historian.  She is studying her doctrate!  Soon she may be Doctor Cold, but she will not get too big a head,  she will still be 'Play'ing about in all our historical records.

Anyway, she has nominated a whole heap of old historical threads.  I asked her to nominate just one but maybe she did not understand me properly or maybe she just got caught up in all the excitement. Anyway, here is her post of threads that she nominated for tonight. 

1) History (and comedy) posts provided by Camelot's very own Royal Historian.  I Thank yea Mistress Coldplay   



Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.

CPhill and Coldplay have nominated some posts today.  Thanks guys   



Mathematics posts:

2) Trig ratios with 30 and 60 degrees.    Melody


3) Easy but tricky algebra      Thanks guest, asinus and Melody :)          Nominated by CPhill     laugh


4) Area of triangels compared.  Unexpected outcome.  Thanks Chris.


5) Solveit does a good job here showing how to generate an equation for a circle :     Nominated by CPhill

[The Desmos graph was a nice touch, too   ]


6) Ratio of terms in an AP      Thanks Melody and Alan,      Thanks for the nomination CPhill    


7) I liked this "first principles"  problem that I did :    CPhill talking about himself  LOL     Nice work Chris and guest :)

[ This one required the correct identity to get started, along with a little Algebra "trick" in the middle   ......!!!  ]


8) Using logs to find big numbers.  Thans Dragonslayer554 and Melody



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:

 Feb 14, 2016
edited by Melody  Feb 14, 2016
edited by Melody  Feb 14, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Thurs 18/2/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 12:31am   ♪ ♫


Good day to you all,

It has been busy!  Our fabulous answerers have been Cphill, Alan, Heureka, Geno3141, Nauseated, Rarinstraw1195, asinus, Olivia3.1315..., Solveit, Dakotadelene, Misaki, SpawnofAngel, GenericUserName, DarkBlaze347, Dragonlance and Anonymous4338.  Thanks all.  angel


Camelot News:

#  We have been having problems with the forum today.  I have lost a couple of posts which is always very frustrating.  I seriously hope this one post properly when i finish ://

1)  Problems with the forum   Thanks BreeDaBoss and DragonSlayer554


{nl} Interest Posts: 

If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.

CPhill and Coldplay have nominated some posts today.  Thanks guys   



#    Our estemed historian, Dr. ColdPlay, now has her own Sticky Thread to tend and nuture.

She has called it "Historical Post"  She is already filling it with wonderous threads,  she mostly likes comedy but her taste is more eclectic than that.  She even dug up a page of Mellie's old questions.  Mellie used to ask the best questions ever.  laugh

2)  History renewed.  Thanks Dr. Coldplay   (Doctor of History - not medicine)


3)  Dr Coldplay got a bit carried away I think but she has a real passion for her calling.



Mathematics posts: {nl}  

4)  COOL graph by user101.   Thanks for sharing!


5)  Solveit has drawn my attention to this question.  We'd like it to be looked at more please :)


6)  Finding  the next terms of the sequence.         Great answer Heureka


7) Conservation of momentum  Thanks Dragonlance


8) Find kinetic energy.    Thanks Heureka


9)  A little integration.   Thanks Melody, Guest and Heureka


10)  If you are into makes sense of graphs, here is one for you.  Thanks Nauseated.


11)  Proving a trig identity    Thanks CPhill.


12)  Angle of incidence = angle of reflection   Thanks Dragonlance and Melody


13)  Proving Similarity,  Thanks Solveit.


14)  Vector Problem  Thanks Heureka


15)  I am wondering what this means....    Thanks Heureka 

      Thanks for the explanation Heureka :)



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:

 Feb 17, 2016
edited by Melody  Feb 17, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Sat 20/2/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 12:18am   ♪ ♫


Good day to you all,

Our wonderful answerers have been Alan, CPhill, Heureka, Gino3141, Misaki, Solveit, InjustaGod, rarinstraw1195, SpawnofAngel, asinus, BruceWayne, DragonSlayer554, CaliGirl619 and EinsteinJr.


Camelot News:

1)  Dr. Coldplay (Doctor of Camelot History - not Dr of Medicine)  has been very busy enhancing her Sticky Thread.

 "History Post!"

Yesterday she included a post on Mellie, today she has included a post on Nauseated.  I wonder what she will busy herself with next?      Thanks Coldplay  


If you ask or answer an interesting question, you can private message the address to me (with copy and paste) and I will include it.  Of course only members are able to do this.  I quite likely will not see it if you do not show me.


Mathematics posts:

2)  Repeat question - Great answer from a guest  (Maybe Bertie?)  Thank you

Solveit has drawn my attention to this question.  We'd like it to be looked at more please :)


3) Orbital Velocity      Not answered


4) Simple Harmonic Motion      Thanks Chris


5) Substitution with indices   Thanks CPhill


6) Zeta function question   Not answered


7) Body temperature and kinetic energy.        SpawnofAngel and guest had a go but .....      



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:

 Feb 19, 2016
edited by Melody  Feb 19, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Mon 7/3/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 1:07am   ♪ ♫


Good day to you all,

I have not done a wrap since Sat 20th Feb 16

I have not been on the forum much, I am just too pre-occupied with other issues.

I have not been keeping lists of names, sorry.


Forum  News:

Mr. Massow has continued to make changes to try and make the forum better for us.  There have been some positive changes, for instance, it is now a little easier for the moderator to get rid of garbage posts and we can close threads as well.  Most decent people who use the forum understand the need for moderators to be able to delete or hide offensive posts.

We are supposed to be able to edit our posts.  This facility has not worked for perhaps a couple of weeks.  Anyway I have written to Mr Massow and asked if he can fix this.  I have not heard back as yet.  I am sure Mr Massow is very busy,  but I will remind him in the next couple of days if I do not hear from him first.


Camelot News:

 1)  Officials of Camelot        Melody


2)   Great news of Camelot's Playhouse.  Introducing Romeo and Juliet.  More to follow.  Thanks SpawnofAngel.




Historical Post:  

3)    Special in depth editorial by Camelot's esteemed Reporter HeaterF 

       Will Sir CPhill NEVER complete his task!



Fun Posts:

4)     Picture Fun Post.     Thanks CaliGirl619, Songoflight, Hanna, SpawnofAngel and  ilovefood



Mathematics posts:  

I am sure that there has been a great many excellent questions and answers but unfortunately I have not seen them


5)   Binomial probability  Melody


6)   Probability with a die. a bit unusual.  Melody, Alan, Nauseated. 

      Bertie, could you take a look please at my last post here.  :/


 7)  Trigonometry,   Thanks Melody, CPhill, and Heureka.


8)     How do you find limits    Thanks Heureka 


9)     Dilations and similarities Thanks Solveit




                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Lantern Thread:

 Mar 6, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Thurs 28/7/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 10:43am   ♪ ♫


Good day to you all,

I have not done a wrap since Sat 7th May 16, and that was the first one since Feb 16.

I stopped doing them because the forum got too big and I was too busy with other things.

At this stage I do not intend to start them again on a remotely regular basis but there were a couple of interesting post today and I just wanted people to see them.

I am sorry, I know many of you post and answer very interesting questions very often and I do not even see them anymore.  I am sad about this.  If you send them to me by private message and I have time I will post them in a wrap for you so that other people can see them too.


Forum  News:

I was just reading my last news entry and the problem is the same.  Most people cannot edit their posts!  This is a real pest and it is one of the reasons that I stopped writing the wrap.  Collecting the questions just became too difficult when i could not edit the thread that  they were entered into.  Soon I will apprach Mr Massow about this again but being realistic the problem is not likely to go away.


Camelot News:

Camelot seems to have been defeated.   sad

The King is still off at the crusades.  Queen Guinevere has not been doing a good job of ruling in his stead.  The ghost has been silent.  The Doctor, Morgan Tudd, has not been seen in months.  Sir CPhill and Sir Alan are here but they seem to be in disguise. I have heard no more news of Sir CPhill's search for the Roman Zero.  He knows it is in Sisyphus's boulder but still he has not retrieved it.    I did see Mistress Katie Leigh recently but she was vas very quiet. I did not even hear her school keys jangling.  Maybe our reporter HeatherF, is off soing war correspondence with the King.  I have not seen her.    sadsadsad



Mathematics posts:  

I am sure that there has been a great many excellent questions and answers but unfortunately I have not seen them. :(


1)  Max posted this one and Heureka and I answered it.  Thanks Heureka :)



2) This one was asked a while ago and I have been talking to Bertie about it.  I really like the explanation that Bertie gave, I think other members could learn from Bertie's answer too :)

Plus, I always find these combinatory questions interesting.



Repeat offer:

I know that there were other good questions and ansswers but I have not collected them.  Like I said, I invite people to send the addresses of good questions/answers to me by private message and if I have time I will include them in a wrap like this one.  They do not need to be high level questions or answers, they just need to be interesting questions, or answers that you think are worthy of recognition.  They can be your own answers or someone elses. 

Please take advantage of my offer   laugh



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

 Jul 28, 2016

I am just joining some of the sticky notes together :)



This is some interest questions dated 26th sept 2016


 Jun 24, 2018

3 Online Users
